Monarch Expansion Project
Monarch Children’s Justice and Advocacy is expanding. The Council is building a new home to locate Monarch directly adjacent to our current building at 3020 Willamette Dr. NE, Lacey, WA 98516.
Currently, Monarch is leasing space that requires eight staff and contract therapists to share one office to complete notes, paperwork, and referrals for the 839 children and their families served each year. There is a large demand for use of the 3 therapy rooms, one meeting room, one forensic interviewing room, and 2 exam rooms. The expansion will allow for an additional 3,000 sq. feet of space for therapy, forensic interviewing, and the Providence Child Sexual Assault and Maltreatment Center to share. The entire facility will be a child-friendly, comfortable, calming space. The main Council facility will house the Thurston County Prosecutors, Child Protective Services, drop-in space for law enforcement, interns, FBI, Tribal Nations and other surrounding service providers.
We welcome your continued support for the Monarch Expansion Project, including the purchase of a brick!