Stories and Testimonials

Joseph (Joe) Meador came into our office for a LIHEAP appointment approximately 2 years ago and our Energy Client Specialist qualified him for our Weatherization program. Joe recently received our weatherization services. We went out to interview Joe to find out more about him and his experience was with our Weatherization crew team.

Let us start out by saying that he is the most delightful person; he is inviting, humorous and extremely knowledgeable. Joe began by telling us his story about how he became disabled from an unfortunate accident in 2012 that lead to him losing his leg. Joe used to be a builder and he built the house he is living in today. He learned the trade from his father.

Joe lives on a fixed income and, with the price of his power bill and the cost of wood for his fireplace, he was struggling financially. He said that it was so cold in his house during the winter months that he would lay under the covers with his dog “Double Tap” or sit inches from his fireplace to feel a little warmth. We asked him how his experience with our Weatherization team was from start to finish and he stated that everyone was gracious, informative and approachable. He said he asked a lot of questions because he built the house and wanted to know why they were doing certain things. He said that his father used to say “you have to let a house breathe when you are building it, don’t tighten everything down”. He learned throughout the weatherization process that he would have changed his approach on how he built homes.

Joe no longer uses his fireplace to heat his home, he uses his furnace that he says works fantastic! He is very appreciative of the work they performed. He and Double Tap are finally warm and they love it!

Joseph Meador

Thank you all so much! You don’t just help people fix their energy problems you give them hope and renew their faith. God bless you all, and thank you for your hard-work and kindness.

Weatherization Family

I am writing to thank the entire weatherization team who worked so diligently in order to make our home safer, and so much warmer. We not only can feel the difference, we notice it in our monthly energy bill. We are greatly blessed to have had the opportunity to receive such excellent and truly helpful services. We are ever so grateful! Before you guys came to our rescue, both our boiler and our energy bill had been a complete nightmare. Now we are confident that we can keep our children warm at night. So thanks, each and every one of you who worked so hard in making our project such a success. It has truly made an enormous difference in our lives. We no longer feel guilty about turning the heat on in our home, thanks to your courteous and professional staff. Our family now has peace of mind, and that is priceless!

Weatherization Family

I originally signed paperwork three years ago to have my home weatherized. It was finished this month with the most wonderful results. We have baseboard heaters that we try not to turn on often as cost is outrageous and it never even gets the house warm, just tolerable. We also have a wood stove that we try to use as our main source but the ventilation wasn’t proper and no matter how full we stoked the fire before bed, when we woke up in the middle of the night the fire was always out in the morning leaving the house absolutely freezing to the point of cruelness.

Since Community Action Council has been here this month is the warmest my house have ever been. We not only have wood in the morning after stoking the fire but can let the fire die out pretty early on in the night and still have a warm house when we wake up. The difference it has made to me and my family is something I can never really say thank you for. It means more than you know and I wanted to let you know what an impact you’ve had on my family’s overall well being and warmth. I just can’t say thank you enough. You will never really know the impact you have made on my family’s life, but I wanted to let you know how important your job is to so many families even if you don’t get a thank-you from all of them. I’m sure they feel the same way. You are changing lives in ways you don’t even know. I know this letter is just words from someone you helped doing your job, but the feeling and protection you’ve given my house will last for years to come.

Weatherization Family

We want to thank all of you who worked so hard in making our home more energy efficient. We can feel the difference in the heating and ventilation. Our house stays more evenly warm and cool now. Thank goodness for people like you who do that for people that can’t afford to do these things for their home. Thank you for all the education on saving energy! God Bless all of you and thank you for the Weatherization Program. Keep up the good work.

Weatherization Family

Thank you so much for everything. You inspire me and I really hope you are appreciated by others for the good you do, the good I see in you, and the example you set is to be admired. I’m glad to have had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you again.

I just want to come to where you are and hug you!!!!! Thank you and please thank your fiscal department for me!!!!! Thank you so so much! I am in tears right now! Is there anything I need to do? Notify my landlord or the utility companies? I know previously you said you would let my landlord know, but is there anything I can do? Oh Lord, I needed this help. This is more than help! I can’t thank you enough! Thank you for what you do.

Thank you very much for your response, this is the biggest relief I’ve had in 2-years, I’m extremely thankful you’ve helped me this much. A thousand thank yous.

You have no idea how much you have helped me. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! This is great news, and relieves a lot of stress. We really appreciate all your hard work.

This is truly a miracle! My family thanks you so much!

Thank you so very much, this is going to help my family so much, I was not expecting to have so much covered, or having rent paid all the way to December, thank you for your help and amazing work. Again, thank you for all you have done for us. Is your office allowed to receive homemade baked goods? As a thank you for all your help and amazing things your office does, please let me know.

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for your help/work on this. It means so much for my family, I can’t even tell you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

Thank you so much; I don’t know what I would have done without this help. It’s saving me and my daughter, we would have lost this apartment without your help. Again, thank you so much. It means the world.

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