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Affordable Housing

People in 376 units

In order to improve the quality of life in our community, we continue to play a key role as a provider of Affordable Housing in our service area. Working with multiple jurisdictions, we strive to increase the number of affordable housing opportunities in our community. In the past years we have housed over 644 people in 376 units.

About the Program

As a whole, we continuously strive to assist as many people as we can. Through the Affordable housing program, the Community Action Council served approximately 700 individuals in the past three years. In addition to this, over 275 people were helped with rental assistance funds. With the addition of our Salmon Run property, which we opened in November of 2012, we have 382 housing units available for rent.


The Council works in partnership with local jurisdictions and communities in the development of rental assistance programs, including:

The Council also works in partnership with the State of Washington, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), private developers, and all local jurisdictions where funding is available to further develop and rehabilitate affordable housing.

Community Action Council Properties
Property Location Contact Information
Ashford House I & II Mason Constance Carlson – (360) 275-1400
Deschutes Cove Thurston Amour Nixon – (360) 753-5813
Diamond Street Thurston CACLMT – (360) 438-1100
Killion Court Thurston Mikeala Hemker – (360) 458-2661
Montesano Harbor Grays Harbor Carson Carruth – (360) 249-5103
Montesano Harbor Annex Grays Harbor Carson Carruth – (360) 249-5104
Praire Run Thurston Mikeala Hemker – (360) 400-0567
Salmon Run Thurston Mikeala Hemker – (360) 960-8226
Saratoga Springs Mason Donald Collins – (360) 427-7033
Tilton River Court Lewis Kristina Martin – (360) 827-1183
Tolmie Cove Thurston Melissa Howard – (360) 491-7907
Virginia Station Lewis Casaundra Rodriguez – (360) 736-7864
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