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CAC continues to monitor and adjust services based upon best practice and guidance from Public Health, the CDC and the World Health Organization. Continued client service at the highest level while keeping clients and staff safe is our number one priority.

Our lobbies have reopened to the public, but we ask that visitors seeking services in-person call to make an appointment so that we keep congestion to a minimum. Please be aware that our Lacey and Centralia offices do contain medical facilities and, as such, we must request a mask be worn. Masks are available in the lobby if you do not have one.

Give us a call or fill out our inquiry form and we will get back to you within 24 hours. For general Community Action Council information, contact us by email at or by phone at (360) 438-1100. Our offices are open Monday – Thursday, from 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM.

Thurston County Office

3020 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Voice: (360) 438-1100
Fax: (360) 491-7729
Toll Free: (800) 878-5235

Mason County Office

807 W. Railroad Ave.
Shelton, WA 98584
Voice: (360) 426-9726
Fax: (360) 462-5353
Toll Free: (800) 878-5235

Lewis County Office

409 N. Tower Ave.
Centralia, WA 98531
Voice: (360) 736-1800
Fax: (360) 736-1891
Toll Free: (800) 878-5235

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