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April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month


Since 1983, April has been dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect through the observation of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The observance serves to educate parents and the community about warning signs and helpful resources and to reinforce that the safety and well-being of children is a shared community responsibility.


Across the state of Washington, Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) are making a positive difference in the lives of children and families every day. CACs are child-focused, child-friendly facilities that bring together all the professionals and agencies needed to offer comprehensive services to abused children in a setting where they feel safe enough to get the help needed to stop abuse and begin the healing process.

During the month of April, CACs invite you to join them in their ongoing mission to provide safety, justice, and healing for the most vulnerable crime victims in our community – child victims of sexual and physical abuse. Everyone has a role to play in creating safe and healthy communities. It only takes a minute to look out for a child or reach out to a parent under stress. Helping resources are readily available. Child safety is everyone’s business. If you suspect child abuse, have the courage to report it by calling the statewide hotline at 1-866-363-4276 or your local law enforcement. Your intervention could help a child at risk.


  • 6,632 children were served by Child Advocacy Centers in Washington state throughout 2023.

Protective Factors

Protective factors are conditions that increase the health and well-being of children and buffer against child abuse. Protective factors include:

  • Knowledge of parenting and child development
  • Parental resilience
  • Social connections
  • Concrete supports for parents
  • Social and emotional competence of children

Additional Information

National Child Abuse Prevention Month –
Protective Factors to Promote Wellbeing –


Wear Blue and Share on April 5th. CACWA encourages businesses and individuals to wear blue, take a selfie of yourself (and your team) to share on social media. #wacares4kids #wearblue4kids
Plant pinwheels to show your support. Display outside your home or at your business.

For additional information, contact Children’s Advocacy Centers of Washington (CACWA) or your local CAC.

Learn more at

Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason & Thurston Counties at

Join us for Monarch’s Rise and Shine Breakfast at


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