Forensic Interview

What is a Forensic Interview?
Forensic Interviews are highly specialized interviews conducted in a safe, child friendly environment by professionals with specialized training and experience in talking with children about allegations of abuse. The interviewer’s goal is to make the child as comfortable as possible while gathering information for an investigation in a neutral setting. The interviewer moves at a pace that is comfortable for your child and never forces a child to talk. Your child will talk to the interviewer in a separate room designed to make your child feel safe. The interview room is equipped with discrete video recording cameras and microphones.
May I stay with my child during the interview?
Caregivers are not allowed to observe the interview and are not allowed to be present with the child during the interview. The interviewer must talk to your child alone. It is difficult for children to talk about abuse they may have experienced and difficult for parents to hear. Having a parent in the room my distract the child or inhibit children during the interview. Children may also want the parent to answer questions for them. It is essential for the child to provide information independently..
Can I watch the interview?
No. Only those people who are directly involved in the investigation are allowed to observe the interview. This reduces the stress that can be placed on a child and provides a neutral setting for the child and the investigation. If possible, please bring a support person to wait with you during this time. Before and after the interview you will have an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you might have with the investigative team. After the interview, the team will tell you in general terms what they learned from the interview and they can provide you with the current status of the investigation.
Will my child have to undergo a physical exam?
The investigative team will help decide if your child needs a physical exam. If a physical exam in recommended, there will be no charge to the family. You might tell your child, “We are going to see a doctor and nurse practitioner who take care of lots of kids. You will not get any shots, and they will listen to what you are comfortable with during the exam.. You will not be forced to do anything you don’t want to do. They just want to make sure your body is okay.” If needed, this physical exam may or may not occur on the same day as the forensic interview.
What should I say to my child after the visit?
Leave it to your child to decide if he or she wants to talk about the interview. If they do, listen. Do not ask leading questions. Don’t be concerned if your child does not want to talk about the visit. Many children are “tired” of talking about it. Thank your child for telling the truth and acknowledge his or her courage. Assure your child of your love and support no matter what was disclosed or determined during the appointment. Reassure your child that he or she will be okay.
What is the advantage of having my child interviewed at the CAC?
Your child is our top priority. The CAC provides a place that is friendly, private, and safe for children to talk. The forensic interview and MDT approach reduce the trauma your child may experience by limiting the number of times his/her story is told. Services for your family will be better coordinated, and you will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions of the people working on your child’s case.
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Lacey, WA 98516
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